Interested in a project or collaboration? Just contact me.
About Me
I was born in Lisbon in 1981 and I live in Almada, Portugal. I graduated in engineering and I am proud to say that I have the soul of an engineer, however, I have always been a lover of nature, the beach and the sea. After completing my master's degree in Materials Science and working for a few years in the area of research and development, I began to feel an emptiness within me, a need to create something that did not obey the ruler and square of science. In 2014 I bought my first camera and for some time I experimented with different types of photography without much success. However, from 2016 onwards, I began to take refuge in my long walks through nature and it was at that point that I realized that the emptiness I felt could be filled with the Art of capturing the landscapes I was exploring. Since then I have dedicated myself entirely and exclusively to nature photography.
Sobre mim
Nasci em Lisboa em 1981 e resido em Almada, Portugal. Formei-me em engenharia e orgulho-me em dizer que possuo uma alma de engenheiro, porém, sempre fui um amante da natureza, da praia e do mar. Após concluir o mestrado em Ciência dos Materiais e de trabalhar alguns anos na área de investigação e desenvolvimento, comecei a sentir um vazio dentro de mim, uma necessidade de criar algo que não obedecesse à régua e esquadro da ciência. Em 2014 comprei a minha primeira máquina fotográfica e durante algum tempo experimentei sem grande sucesso diferentes tipos de fotografia. Contudo, a partir de 2016, comecei a refugiar-se nas minhas longas caminhadas pela natureza e foi nesse ponto que percebi que o vazio que sentia podia ser preenchido com a Arte de captar as paisagens que percorria. Desde então dediquei-me total e exclusivamente à fotografia de natureza.
2025 - Winner of the grand prize “Total Energies - Nature Photographer Of The Year” in the “Insitu Nature Photography Festival” in Vouzela.
2025 - World Photographic Cup National Team Member.
2024 - Nature Vision Magazine Issue 6 Project Critique.
2024 - Speaker at the XIII “INSITU Nature Photography Festival” in Vouzela.
2023 - Speaker at the IX Landscape Photography Festival – IMAGINATURE in Portugal.
2023 - Winner of the category “Project of the Year” at the Natural Landscape Photography Awards.
2023 - Winner of the grand prize “GENERG - Nature Photographer Of The Year” in the “Insitu Nature Photography Festival” in Vouzela.
2023 - Columnist on the Portuguese art, nature and photography magazine “PERSPETIVA”.
2022 - Speaker at the second Nature Image Festival of Gerês “IRIS” in Portugal.

“My approach to wildlife photography is unconventional”


“Photography is essential for the conservation of Nature”